There comes a time in many of our lives when we need to set goals, get good information and advice then just do it. The idea of just tightening your belt and paying off debt for 5 years or more is not always the solution. Solutions are not the same for all people.

Mortgage consultants can help with your financial planning. They can analyze your unique situation and give you guidance. This is a free service that is often overlooked when repairing credit.

You can find out how to leverage your home equity to get out of debt or to attain a goal.

One source

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Not a homeowner$%: Do not despair. There are solutions out there for you.

Here is an example of someone who followed good advice and whose future now looks very bright.
His name is Bill and this is his story and his plan of action.

Bill is self-employed.

Youth and inexperience with handling credit cards and auto loans had brought him to the state of being under a pile of bills. He ran up his credit cards to the point of being flagged by the banks as a credit risk.

It seemed that it would take years for him to pay down his debts and then even more years to get his life on track.

Well, to make a long story short, the plan for his problem took some creativity and some tightening of the proverbial belt.

First he corrected his FICO rating as much as possible.

Second move he bought a house out of his immediate area where the prices were lower.
That was accomplished with a bad credit purchase loan combined with a good loan to value on the property he was buying.

The house he bought was rented out with a positive cash flow.

He kept the house for a little over a year then sold at a profit.

With the profit from the sale he had accumulated enough money to have his debt paid out of escrow.

Great news was he also had enough money for a substantial down on a condo in town. Now he has a place where he could actually live instead of renting while renting out his own home. It is a home he can afford. The monthly payments are lower than the rent he was paying.

Now he knows how to use credit wisely.

He knows how to use homeowner tax advantages.

He is on his way to an extremely good financial position.

To say he is proud of his accomplishments is an understatement.

All of this took about 14 months. His life was becoming more livable even during this period of time.

What did it take to get him from being in debt to being the investor he is today$%:

* A good advisor

* A set goal

* Action

* Guidance

What is your course of action$%: When will you be out of debt$%:


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