
Do you sell ClickBank affiliate products as part of a set of your warren supported business? If so, this is for you.

Many affiliate marketers cognize that it is too unforced for others to revision their ClickBank golf links. It's as confident as commutation the unproved affiliate's ClickBank appellative with your own.

And this is a important drawback in the ClickBank associate commercialism quintessence.

But fortuitously in that is a austere antidote which you can use to protect your affiliate commissions.

But first, a short aside:

I've seen several marketers use a free of charge redirection resource approaching or and a small indefinite quantity of others, but to my way of reasoning they all exterior tacky. In the merchandising context, that is. Other uses may be fine, but not when you're promoting a goods or a work and consequently you dispatch a expectations to a association close to that.

I contemplate if a person has through with carrying out tests to see what weaken that does to their transmutation tax. Actually I buzzword visualize any serious trafficker even wanting to try that.


While goose egg is perfect, the shadowing policy is biddable. And in fact, ClickBank themselves advocate it, although not all affiliates have noticed this, I am in no doubt.

ClickBank recommends that affiliates use a specific info. The codification does not retrospective healed here, but you can see it at

STEP 1. Open a new blank paper wallet.

I use Notepad because it adds none of the unessential characters that Microsoft Word, for example, adds. Those remaining characters disorder property up in HTML. Notepad is going spare release at but you can use any pampas manual skilled worker you like. I likewise use Notepad for its distended functionality. It's also out-of-school and you can get it from

STEP 2. Paste the above ClickBank HTML written communication into your manuscript file, replace PUBLISHER with the vendor's ClickBank sobriquet and regenerate ITEM near your ClickBank nickname, after pick up the profile as keyword.html

Any keyword will do. Okay, any idiom will do. But since you're an affiliate vendor let's elect to choose thing at issue here... a keyword or the service name, perchance.

STEP 3. Upload keyword.html to your restaurant attendant. And trial it by temporary and you should be right now redirected to the affiliate system of rules you are promoting. Click on the Buy association and your affiliate appellation should be displayed at the pedestal of the next leaf.

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